When I was expecting my first, a boy, my awesome and talented sister offered to make me a bunch of bibs. We picked out the material and she whipped them up. They were really cute, of course because I picked out the fabric, but they were also durable and awesome because they had buttons. Totally child proof! My almost 20 month old still can't get his bib off.
So, upon having a girl, I felt I NEEDED girl bibs. I got the pattern from my sister and pulled out my new and rarely used sewing machine. I bought it in hopes to someday learn how to sew. And I had made 2 things on it prior to this project but both times I had a highly experienced seamstress sitting right next to me the whole time. So I pulled my machine out and got to work. It was crazy how easy it was to make these. The hardest part was figuring out how to do a button hole but that didn't take too long and before I knew it, I had 6 bibs!
I don't have the pattern on here, but if you read this and want it, I'd be happy to figure out how to post it and give you a tutorial. Otherwise, enjoy the pictures!
Love this! You are so creative! :)