Now that I have children, I am part of the cousin Christmas gift exchange. We get to give to my cute little niece every year. I decided to make a tutu for her. A tutu is super easy to make and you really don't need a sewing machine even though I used one, or did I? I might have just sewn it by hand. Anyway, in preparing for this project, I read quite a few tutorials. Here's a simple enough one on The Idea Room. I bought tulle by the yard and found a great video tutorial that gives you a secret on cutting your tulle. I used elastic and would recommend it over ribbon. Make sure when you measure the waist to take about an inch or 2 off to find the measurement of your elastic band.

I needed to see how it was coming along half way through so I tried it on my boy. It was so fun to watch him crawl around in that cute little thing. It made me so excited for my little girl that was on her way!
And now it's finished! If you want a fuller skirt, put more strips of tulle on. If you want it puffy, make the strips shorter.
When my girl was born, I whipped up a quick one for her newborn shots. It really is that easy.